McGee gave me this wonderful and scary face when I dropped my camera to his eye level. I came to my brother’s backyard BBQ for my niece’s high school graduation party...I tried to focus on my family and being in the moment rather than being a photographer on assignment. But I had to snap a few shots to share with the family and felt like this in-your-face shot of their dog won the prize for best snap of the day.
A few below to check out include one of McGee looking more like the sweet lovable pooch that he is. Another fave that almost took first place in my heart was the group shot of 6 people at the table. I love the documentary feel of capturing this moment that was really 4 different moments happening simultaneously. In the foreground is my sister with a huge smile listening to her grandson. In the background we see a conversation between my sister-in-law’s mother and her friend. And then in the middle are my niece and sister-in-law’s father focused on eating and being in their own world in the midst of a fun and chaotic family gathering.