Inside The Depot where the open mic competition was brewing, I decided to take my camera outside and catch a breather from the sounds. Often my fave photo on a shoot is the unexpected, unplanned, unique perspective shot. I was there to capture the finals of the musical showcase where a dozen bands were vying for free recording time and a music video from yours truly. There were some fantastic performances and I got a few nice shots inside the venue (see below). But when I went outside and looked up, before I even put the viewfinder to my eye, I knew this had the potential to be a great one. The neon OPEN sign with the soft warm pendant lights and the framing of the window set it up beautifully - but I couldn’t have planned for the two band members from Survival Society to pose so perfectly in the corner. Once I got the photo into my editing app and made some adjustments to deal with the reflection, I thought--this is an album cover!
Even though I’m constantly looking for a picture that is going to be outside the box, I am still surprised it literally was outside looking in that brought this favorite into my lens. A recent quote I read suggested that artists are in the habit of experimentation. Even after two decades of producing videos for a living, I’ve never considered myself to be an artist. But the recent focus on photography in the past couple of years has begun to make me a believer that I am an artist. My friend and photographer colleague, Sean Scheidt reminded me the other day that bringing my perspective (or point of view) is what will make me stand apart in my art. I often feel a competition with myself to get an image that will wow me. What a fun thing it is to be an experiment and surprise yourself.