SCREEN TIME: Scott and Charlie
“The show I watched often through the pandemic is La Casa de Papel (Money Heist on Netflix). It centers around a bank heist with a large cast of thieves working together as strangers at first. The longer the heist the more money to be made by the robbers. The characters are compelling (flawed but likable). And the plot is engaging (unbelievable, but smart all the same). This is something I watch without Jenn, my wife. The show was a unique opportunity for personal time and was an escape I could go through on my own.” - Scott
Scott is living across the street from his house. Huh? He and his wife are rehabbing their house from the bottom up. Fortunately, their neighbor directly across the street offered to rent his home to them while he stays at a family house nearby. When he approached his neighbor about the time frame they would like to rent during the construction, Scott said it should take 4-6 months. His neighbor replied, “I'll give you 3 years.” Hilarious, if it weren't so close to the truth. At the time of the photo shoot, it’s been two years and will likely be another 3-4 months until completion. Finding a comfortable space in someone else’s home during a pandemic can be a challenge.
Scott is a business consultant for artists. He loves art. The art and furniture in these photos are not his. The neighbor describes his aesthetic as “Granny Chic.” The art on the wall include some local faves like the one portraying the Domino Sugars factory that dots the Baltimore City skyline on the Inner Harbor and is a popular icon for artists. This one is by Minás Konsolas, originally from Greece but has lived in Baltimore since 1976 and is a graduate of the Maryland Institute, College of Art. The chicken on the buildings is painted by another popular Baltimore artist, Matt Muirhead, who I’d like to believe would love being included in a “Granny Chic” artistic collection. The centerpiece of this small front den is that vintage red love seat. And what more loving friend for Scott to enjoy his escape with than his pre-pandemic adopted bulldog, Charlie. She stole the scene during our photo session. Whether she was watching the show or the camera lens, Charlie’s small face filled the frame with big personality.